Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mardi Gras vs Lent...
I am no prude by any stretch of the imagination but something about this turn of events bothers me. The forces that are hell-bent on removing the Christian God from the public forum have done a fabulous job in not only their goal but the degradation of society.
I don't decry the publicity Mardi Gras receives. I just wish the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord received as much adulation.
I was watching a news cast several years ago and I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was in the spring:
Anchor:"Spring also marks a very important time for the world's major religions. The Jewish community celebrates Passover which is a celebration marking the exodus from Egypt. World Muslims celebrate the birth of the prophet Muhammad and Christians perform their annual Easter egg hunt."
I kid you not.
The most important event in the Chritian calendar boiled down to a pagan ritual once performed by Druids.
Here are two interesting stories about eggs and Easter:
A pious legend among followers of Eastern Christianity says that Mary Magdalene was bringing cooked eggs to share with the other women at the tomb of Jesus, and the eggs in her basket miraculously turned brilliant red when she saw the risen Christ.[1]
A different, but not necessarily conflicting, legend concerns Mary Magdalene's efforts to spread the Gospel. According to this tradition, after the Ascension of Jesus, Mary went to the Emperor of Rome and greeted him with “Christ has risen,” whereupon he pointed to an egg on his table and stated, “Christ has no more risen than that egg is red.” After making this statement it is said the egg immediately turned blood red. She then began preaching Christianity to him.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Human Nature...
The Jerk - An elderly lady made her way over to where I was sitting. I was on the end of a four seat row with the other 3 seats empty. She was going to sit down on a row of seats perpendicular to me but as she got there realized there was something underneath the seat and started to walk over to my row. A guy in his early 50's saw her and sped up to get past her and sit down in the chair. I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood up and said she could have my seat. The whole time just staring at him. He never looked at me but I could tell by the look on his face he knew that I knew he rushed past her just to get the seat.
The oblivious guy - This is the guy who tries to board while first class is boarding because he doesn't bother to listen to the rules and follow them. Well, on the flight a redneck sits in the seat in front of me. This guy had the mullet, the camouflage hat, the skoal can. The whole 9 yards. The first thing he does is put his headphones on and start listening to his music. The first time to check everyone the flight attendant told him to turn it off. The second time down she told him he had to fasten his seat belt. He looked around for it like it was a new concept. Right after that he leans his seat back while we are taxiing to take off. I had to get the FA's attention to have him put his seat back up. I can't stand the people that put that thing down the second the wheels leave the earth so this guy was getting on my last nerve. Now I thought maybe this was his first time flying. Well form his outfit and hairstyle I knew this guy wasn't from Chicago. He had to have gotten there somehow. Maybe he drove.
The queen - For those of you who watch "The Office", Kelly the Indian princess on that show sat next to me on the flight. This girl looked acted and talked exactly like the Kelly character. She was very much into her looks and the material things in her life.
The loud guy who thinks he's being cool but just looks like a boob - The guy behind me broke his ankle while snowboarding and he just had it fused and now he can't do all the other things he was into like skydiving and kickboxing and all the martial arts and now he'll have to take up scuba diving which he is looking forward to until he is attacked by the first great white shark in a lake, haha, and he is newly divorced (surprise surprise) so his 11 year old daughter loves to come to his apartment because it is like her own playhouse because you see his 4000 square foot house on 2 acres is where she lives with her mother and he wonders if his bags are in Dallas yet because he was on the 2:30 flight and because it's Dallas the bags may still be late and he lives in Dallas and avoids DFW as much as he can , haha.
This was all before takeoff.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My last flight...
The fact I mention here that he was an African American is important to the rest of the story. He mentioned he lived in Phoenix and the trip out to Chicago was made by 3 of his coworkers. Of the 3, he was the only one who had a layover; the other three had straight flights. I was thinking in my head, "You know it's because you're black." Of course, I didn't say that.
He pulled out a book by TD Jakes, the pastor of The Potters House church in Dallas. A very large African American congregation. He was surprised that I knew who he was. I mentioned he was a spiritual advisor to Obama for awhile, trying to make points with my new black buddy. He mentioned he was Bush's advisor for a while as well.
Later, I mentioned Obama again just making sure he knew I wasn't a racist.
As the flight progressed, I learned he was in the military for 20+ years. I learned he would do it again in a heartbeat. I learned he thinks torture is a necessary evil in war. And if water-boarding a terrorist saved my wife and children from being blown up at the mall, knock yourself out. I learned this guy is as conservative as I am. I learned he does not like politicians sticking their noses in the military.
I learned not to prejudge people. I would like to have this guy as a neighbor.
Too bad I didn't know him earlier. I think he would have cracked up at my it's-because-you're-black joke.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Long time no post...
COUPLES who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned.
Of course he has. What’s the line from Scrooge - better they should die, and decrease the surplus population? I’m surprised that’s not an applause line these days. If Scrooge had forbid Crachet from putting on more coal because it would contribute to global warming, he’d be the hero, and Crachet would have got the three spirits.
Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming.
It hasn’t taken long, but it’s taken hold: children, to some, are not bundles of joys, but bundles of sticks whose inevitable combustion harms the planet. It doesn’t matter whether reducing the population might deprive the world of another Mozart or a scientist who can cure cancer; the latter would just mean people living longer and going more harm, and it’s an act of pure cultural arrogance and classism to suggest we need another Mozart anyway. (Plus, non-political culture we cannot afford in these desperate times. It’s not that it makes people think the wrong things; it just takes up time that could be spent thinking about the right things.)
“I think we will work our way towards a position that says that having more than two children is irresponsible. It is the ghost at the table.”
I think there might be other ghosts jostling to be heard. Smaller ones.
The Optimum Population Trust, a campaign group of which Porritt is a patron, says each baby born in Britain will, during his or her lifetime, burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland - an area the size of Trafalgar Square.
I have to admit my ignorance here; I don’t know if the old-growth oak is super-extra concentrated potential carbon. Seems likely, since old-growth means the trees would be bigger - but the choice of examples also suggests that something venerable is be destroyed, wantonly, for the sake of something as commonplace as a baby.
There are 51.7 million acres in Great Britain, incidentally.
“Many organisations think it is not part of their business. My mission with the Friends of the Earth and the Greenpeaces of this world is to say: ‘You are betraying the interests of your members by refusing to address population issues and you are doing it for the wrong reasons because you think it is too controversial,” he said.
It is heartening to think that encouraging the government to tell parents to abort #3 for the sake the environment is still too controversial.
Porritt, a former chairman of the Green party, says the government must improve family planning, even if it means shifting money from curing illness to increasing contraception and abortion.
You thought I was exaggerating by saying that curing disease only prolongs the problem, eh? I’d like to know which diseases he prefers to underfund so the state can shower the land with more condoms. I can’t imagine price is what keeps people from using a French letter, after all. It’s the lack of education, perhaps where does this go? Or the fact that scientists have not yet invented spring-loaded knickers that shoot out condoms the moment you tug on the elastic.
He said: “We still have one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in Europe and we still have relatively high levels of pregnancies going to birth, often among women who are not convinced they want to become mothers.”
So the role of the state should be to convince ambivalent mothers to abort, then. Possibly by showing them cartoons of polar bears marooned on ice floes and letting them draw the obvious conclusion. But why are two kids okay? Perhaps because the fellow speaking has two of his own, and couldn’t bear to think of choosing which one he’d have culled for Gaia’s sake. Well, I say the limit should be one, and that this fellow is to be roundly pilloried for the metaphorical Forest of Trafalgar Square his excess kin will immolate. He might argue that two are necessary to keep the population going and the economy intact, but of course population and the economy are the twin engines of our destruction, and people seem mulishly unwilling to part with either. If you’re really concerned - if you are a good person - then your heart cannot help but sink when you hear the phrase “There’ll always be an England.” That’s the problem.
Not to say there won’t always be an England - the physical place, which no doubt is called something else by native fauna in a language made of barks and spoor-scattering - will always be there, if we act now. There’s only one kind of sea-level rise that’s acceptable, and that’s because everyone jumped en masse into the water to drown themselves.
Imagine an England where the Hundred Acre Wood is unspoiled by Christopher Robin!
Then burns down entirely one day because there’s no one around to put out the fire.
People do come in handy now and then. It’s good to have spares.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's amazing the memory's...
Picture a family of 7. The oldest boy about 13 and the youngest about 3. Traveling the country side in their Harvest motor home. On a stop over in a KOA outside of a scenic town in Northern California, the children are seen playing around their campsite. The 3 oldest boys can be heard singing a popular ditty of the day,
" Well she was blinded by the light.
Wrapped up like a deuce another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Wrapped up like a deuce another runner in the night."
Only the kids pronounced deuce just the like the guy did in the song. They said "doosh". On that, their mother comes rushing out of the motor home and demands they stop singing that song.
I had no earthly idea why mom made us stop singing that song until one day when I heard one of my friends call another of my friends a doosh. I soon found out what it meant and why mom made us stop singing.
I heard that song while walking through Clover today and I had that memory.
Strange. I know.
I am also getting nostalgic for high school. Nostalgic may be the wrong word because I don't want to go back to high school. It's just that the car I have has XM radio and I listen to the 80's station and with the invent of facebook and everyone from high school coming out of the woodwork, it's on my mind.
I had a good time in high school. It's where I met Kelly.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What a week I'm having...
Oh well that's #3 in the other lane goes...Car #4 in the other lane goes...CAR #5 in the Other Lane Goes...CAR # FREAKIN 6 IN THE OTHER LANE GOES...old lady who has been blocking me from making my escape pulls into the other lane...FUDGIN OLD BITTY...only I didn't say fudge...I now pull into the middle of the lanes to get the next lane that opens. I gesture to the lady working in Walgreens to have this guy move to go inside. Nothing happens. At 4:55 I screech out of line and go inside. Cursing the whole time. As I turn the corner to the pharmacy, there stands Sam our pastor. I said God put you here you know. As I am saying those words I see a car pull into the lane into which I was waiting. The van I was behind for 35 minutes is no longer there. I told Sam the story and he told me they just called him and told him to move. So if I would have stayed in line I would have gotten out faster. As it was, I stood in line inside for 8 minutes with steam coming out of my ears. I finally got what I came for and left. So, I skipped church today to show God what's what.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The video below doesn't work...
Ian has two movies that he loves to watch. One is The Incredibles. I am Mr Incredible, Kelly is Elastigirl, Madiosn is Violet, Ian is Dash and Regan is the baby Jack Jack. We are quite a crime fighting team.
The other movie is the one about Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and Obiwan Kenobe. That's right Star Whores. He doesn't say Star Wars he says Star Whores. Every time he says it I get a picture of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
The week here is almost over. But they were impressed with how much I got done and he mentioned on the phone two weeks there one week here; which would be very nice. I am hoping that is the case. Tim has been very true to his word so I'm confident.
I have refrained from being political but here goes. The fall of capitalism started with the first bailout. Well Obama wasted no time in starting down that slippery slope. He has declared that he wants to put a cap on what CEOs make. He wants the government to mandate what someone can earn. Does that sound familiar? If it doesn't, read Karl Marx. He'll explain it to you.
The media with every breath decried the abuse of power of the Bush administration. Well, Obama wants to take over the census, among other things, and the media's silence is deafening.
I'll have more later but isn't that enough.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Barney Fife moment...
Needless to say we are very proud of her. It has to be her love for reading. She can't get enough. She reads all the time. Her voice inflection is amazing. She knows how to say a sentence whether it be a question mark or an exclamation point. I went to a book fair tonight with her...
Aside: We arrived about 5 minutes early. There were about 20 people sitting down and there were about 100 chairs. However a full 95 of the chairs had a coat or a piece of paper or car keys on them to save them for people who were showing up later. Which actually means late. As the children were performing, these stragglers came in and disrupted the whole performance by not having the common decency to show up on time; and those of us that do are forced to find a chair among the human flotsam and jetsom. That kind of stuff is quite exacerbating...
the 2nd grade kids performed a musical skit done to "Flat Stanley". A witty tome about a child who is flattened by a bulletin board and his adventures after the mishap. Well, there were probably 12 readers in all who narrated the story. Madison was a better reader than every one of them. (Yes. Another nose sniff)
I'm not sure what the gifted program entails but I think it will challenge her more and that should make for an interesting spring.
Ian is a willful boy. I know that is probably not unique but it is to us. This kid won't do anything unless he feels like it. Threats work periodically. Time-out not so much. A hand to the back of the leg seems to do the trick. Now, don't go calling CPS. We use it sparingly but we do use it. We think he just needs some peer interaction. He will be going to school twice a week just for that reason. He likes to see his friends and he needs it.
He has started to tell us he loves us. Just out of the blue. He'll put his head on your tummy and say "I wuv you, daddy." Makes your heart melt.
We thought Reagan was quite active. Into everything. Our suspicions were confirmed when Mom said she had 5 kids and 15 other grandkids and none of them got into stuff like Reagan does. Whew! We thought we were going nuts. She keeps us busy. Still cute as a button. Loves to be read to. She is starting to find her groove thang as well. When Madison and Ian dance, she is right there with them.
Kelly continues to hold us all together. God bless her.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Working from home this week...UPDATED
I thought I would do a Lance haven't done one in ages. Good theme song too...