Friday, September 25, 2009


Which stands for cutout fo the United States.

Well, if this isn’t an analogy for an empty-suit presidency, nothing will suffice. It’s too good to be true and so almost certainly isn’t, but as this rapid-fire look at 130 photographs from the UN this week shows, it’s hard not to draw the conclusion that the POTUS has a COTUS. Watch the frozen image of Barack Obama’s face on your first pass, and then check the position of his hands on your second pass:

Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.

The grin is almost Chesire Cat-like, staying in a fixed position in every shot while the angle of the camera moves. The hands stay in exact position in relation to the body. The angle of the head doesn’t change over 130 frames, either. Either that’s a cardboard cutout, or like most politicians, Obama has learned to pose brilliantly, which is how he got elected President, after all. And hey, as an analogy, either option works for me.

My mythbuster rating? I’d say: plausible. However, it would be pretty hard to pull this off without getting complaints from the others posing in the pictures, so I’m skeptical … but laughing pretty hard at it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

If they succeed with this...

There will be hell to pay

So let me get this straight...

The federal Department of Health and Human Services placed a gag order on private health insurance companies communicating to their Medicare Advantage customers their concerns about Democratic health care reform proposals. The gag order is backed by a threat of federal prosecution.

Read that again

The federal government is keeping privately held companies from communicating with their customers under threat of prosecution. It is a blatant abuse of power. Unbelievable.

Or is it?

Does this surprise anyone? Does it surprise anyone that most major news outlets, sans FOX of course, have yet to cover this bombshell?

What if the situation is reversed? (Heretofore known as WITSIR)

What if the Bush white house had threaned the unions with prosecution if they spoke out against one of his initiatives?

You think we might have heard about it?

This is just a scary video...

Oops! Sorry, wrong Dear Leader, wrong indoctrination song. Here’s the one we want, but I also want to point out more creepiness in the song:

Note the reference to the hymn, “Jesus loves the little children,” which might be more suitable for a Sunday school class in homage to the Lord rather than a public school performance in honor of The One. The trouble is not just the lifting of the lyrics but the fact that the new song heralds Obama as some sort of deity figure:

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!

“In his sight”? That sounds rather … Biblical, doesn’t it? It’s language almost exclusively used in religious contexts, especially when it comes to human equality. After all, the point is not whether people are equal in the sight of Gracie Lou Freebush of Hackensack, but in the eyes of an Almighty, whom most people acknowledge as Creator.

Having children chant about Obama as if he were a deity is what leads eventually to the kind of conditions depicted in the first clip. I don’t mean that as an accusation that Obama wants that, but it’s that kind of cult of personality that creates conditions for political disasters like fascism and dictatorships. People who think of themselves as free citizens and politicians as public servants should be embarrassed by this kind of worship — and the parents of these children should be at the school today demanding an accounting for the cult-like indoctrination attempted by these administrators.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Great article form the WSJ...

How can you argue with logic like this?

Obama Criticism Flow Chart...

I think we can only surmise form this clip...

that Obama hates blind people.

Paterson is the Governor of New York. Obama has asked him to get out of the NY Governor race. Since they are both black, it must be because he doesn't like blind people.

Steele, the head of the Republican National Convention, plays the lefts race baiting demagoguery against themselves brilliantly here.

Paterson basically told Obama to get bent. Exit Question:

Is Paterson racist?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

For those of you that don't know...

music is a very big part of my life. Listening, singing, playing: whatever. I dig it. Which leads me to this story and how it warms the cockles of my heart just thinking about it.

Last week Madison, Ian and Reagan were riding in my truck and I had my iTouch plugged in. "My Sharona" by The Knack came on and I saw all three of them bobbing their heads; even the 1 year old. When the song was over they made me replay it, 6 times. Awesome.

Today after church, another song came on the iTouch and I had to replay it until we arrived home. They were grooving in their car seats and singing the chorus by the time we pulled into the driveway.

It does a Daddy very proud to know his kids can't get enough of "Do You Wanna Dance" by The Ramones.

Other music of which they can't get enough: "Groovin'" by The Rascals, "Talk Talk" by Talk Talk, "Sowing the Seeds of Love" by Tears for Fears and the piece de resistance...I pause a moment whilst I wipe a tear of joy from my cheek...anyhing by The Beatles.

The Beatles...sniff, sniff.