We went on vacation to the beach. Had a fraternity reunion shindig. First day of school. All happened while I had pneumonia.
It all started on the first day of our vacation, Sunday. We drove down to San Antonio and spent the night in a hotel on the river. 16th floor. I love being high up in a hotel. It is one of my favorite things. Kids loved it too. As we got settled, I felt a little warm. I brushed it off as being in the car for 5 hours in the sun blah blah blah.
We rested for a while before dinner but I seemed to be getting warmer. Kelly, who is the greatest packer in the world, broght the thermometer so I took it. 101.1.
The kids and Kelly went on to dinner and called me when they were seated so I didn't have to sit in the heat.
We had a nice meal albeit the service was slow, which became somewhat of a theme for the week. We headed back upstairs and watched a movie or somesuch and all went to sleep. I took two aleve and was prepared to be my old self by morning.
Woke up, went and had breakfast at a place not too far from the hotel. Good stuff. Then went on the river boat. Hot. Not too crowded though which was nice.
Madison and Kelly went to the Alamo and I took the little ones back to the hotel so I could rest. Starting to feel a litte fatigued but no great shakes.
We drove down to the beach and found our condo. Nice place. I again had a fever of 100 but Kelly had to go get groceries and the kids wanted to go to the beach. So off we went. I found a shaded chair and the kids played in the surf for about an hour.
We went back upstairs and Kelly got home and we ate. I took two more aleve to squelch the fever, a ritual that took place every day for the next 10 days, and we eventually fell asleep.
The week was a flurry of beach, pool, aleve, aquarium, aleve, the USS Lexington, seafood and aleve.
Everybody had fun but I could feel myself losing energy as the week progressed. I am glad I was able to do most things. The only thing I didn't do was the last swim in the pool before we left.
One thing I am glad I did was the Lexington. The history of the ship and what it had done. Makes you proud to be an American.
We made it home safe and sound. I just wish healthy was part of that.
Pneumonia saps you of every ounce of energy you ever thought you could possibly have. And then some. The hacking cough. The old lady 40 year smoker voice. It's not good.
I will regail you all later with the fraternity reunion and back to school stories. Right now though I'm beat.