Thursday, May 29, 2008

Working for "the man"...

I just went for my daily venti mocha frapuccino. The lady at the register was quite chatty today. Why do they do that? Sometimes I just want to get my drink and go without having to divulge my life story. Anywho, she told me her mother was laid off 4 years ago by EDS and it was the best thing that ever happened to her. I, getting caught up in the moment, told her of my similar situation a few years ago and how well it worked out for me. The whole conversation started by her asking me what I was going to do today and I told her go swimming with my kids. How we got to being laid off I'll never know.

She then said:

"I hate corporate America."

I said:

"Said the lady working at Starbucks." Hoping of course she would catch the irony.

She didn't.

I don't know about you but I consider Starbuck's to be pretty much the epitome of the corporate world.

Gotta go be back in a minute.

I'm sure at one time when it was a one store liberal coffee house full of turtleneck-wearing, horned-rim-glass-sporting, finger-snapping-approval beatnik wannabees it was the antithesis of corporate America.

But now...not so much.

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