Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Milestones and Mimics...

Chompy waved for the first time. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house on Saturday. After dinner, we were sitting in the living room and Dad was waving at Chompy. She picked up her hand and waved back at him. It wasn't a fluke either because she did it more than once and not at the same time.

That's my girl.

On Saturday afternoon before our sojourn to Grapevine, Ian and I are home alone. The girls are shopping. He is in the bedroom watching a movie and I am in the family room. The bedroom door opens up and he walks into the family room and out of the family room right into the kitchen. I hear a drawer open and some things moving about. He walks back into the family room and out of the family room back into the bedroom. The door closes. About this time I realize he had gone to the kitchen to get a knife. Next thing I hear is a clunking sound in the bedroom. I go into the bedroom and see said knife sticking out of the DVD player where the tray opens and closes.


I tried to fix it but the tray is off the track to go back and forth and it's a goner. Part of me is upset but the other part is impressed that he used a knife to try to solve his problem. You see, the DVD door sticks and you have to shimmy it around to get it to come out. Using tools to problem solve is a big step.

That's my boy.

When the girls came home I told Kelly of Ian's triumph/breaking and she told me:

"Oh, he saw me do that. I used the knife to open the DVD door the other day."

That's my wife.

Let me ask you this, is it a double standard to think when your 2 year old uses tools to solve problems it's a good thing but when your ?? year old wife does so, not so much?

(Of course that last "That's my wife!" was put in completely for continuity and comic purposes. I shudder to think where I would be without her.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Classic, a boy and his tools. Next thing you know he'll be taking stuff apart. On a side note, great music, dude. Ah Leah!, what a great tune. Look at the album artwork, is that the great Walter Kornbluth?