I could go back further but in the scope of things I will just go back to Dan Rather's National Guard memo debacle. Dan had on his CBS news cast a letter supposedly written in 1976 about George W Bush by a superior officer. The letter questioned his integrity, his service and just about everything else. Within hours of the broadcast the letter was determined to be a hoax which lead to the inevitable resignation of Mr Rather who to this day defends his actions. Now, either they knew the letter was fake or they did not do any investigation into the letter and its origins. Everyone involved with the letter pretty much said it was a fake, except Dan of course. So, knowing full well the letter was a fake they put it on the air anyway to question Bush's service. One of their main arguments is so what if the letter is fake just answer the questions it brings up. The ends justify the means.
Fast forward to this race. Someone broke into Sarah Palin's email account, a felony by the way, to see if they could get anything incriminating on her. They did not. But committing a felony is a perfectly acceptable act to get what you want. The ends justify the means.
There have been many, many examples of this phenomenon, the van tire slashing of Republican vans in Wisconsin. Voter intimidation in Florida. The ACORN organization being in court everyday for illegal voter registration.
Where will it end?
What won't they do to get what they want? What price is too big to pay for the utopia they want America to be? To them...
the ends justify the means.
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