What a boring day. Nothing going on anywhere. What this country needs is some big event to rally around. Something on a grand scale where all caution is thrown to the wind.
I don't know what it would be though.
Some event where everyone is included. Where everyone despite his or her beliefs would feel that their concerns are paramount to those in power. Some event where the outgoing are thanked by the masses rather than booed. Some event where color is not an issue. Where phrases like "white sees right" are not heard.
Where the words "hope" and "change" actually mean hope and change to all.
Man, that would be great.
Ok, I am going out on a limb here - I assume you did NOT watch today's inauguration???
It was good; made me tear up a bit. Not for the reasons you might think.....I'm just proud to be an American. Are you?
Oh, come on Kerri!! You know John better than that!
What I would like to be in the Great Gazoo (from Flintstones) to know his TRUE reaction when Bush debriefed him on security/foreign issues...and YOU KNOW he was thinking/feeling OH SHIT...how in the world do you do this...
then panic sets in. Scary to think that someone is LEADING our country who has ZERO leading experience.
wow. i am going to steer clear of POLITICS and PFAFFENBERGERS. don't get me wrong - these 2 things are fine individually. but put them together.....whoa.
i really wish we could stop whining, bickering, and complaing - and just pray for the man who has the worst job in america. i've gotta believe that god knows what in the world he's doing.
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