mental capacities, I fear for this country.
I just saw a story on the news about this being the anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings. It segwayed into a story about how some students at UT were commemorating this anniversary by participating in a walkout of classes and marching over to the capitol to show their disapproval of a bill making it legal to carry concealed hand guns on college campuses.
I realize that is a long sentence so go back and read that again. I'll wait...
Surely one student in the throngs of tree-hugging granola-eating liberals saw the irony in all of this. Surely.
Keep in mind, at the time of the shootings and still today, it is illegal to have a firearm on the Virginia Tech campus. That didn't seem to stop the homicidal maniac from popping off 32 of his classmates.
You know what might have? One of those victims carrying a concealed handgun.
So the brainiacs at UT are protesting a bill that if it were enacted at VT might have actually prevented the massacre at VT on the anniversary of the massacre at VT.
That is the liberal mindset to a tee.
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