Sunday, November 29, 2009

To keep from getting discouraged...

I am going to make this an interactive Christmas. I wrote 24 blogs in the month of October and I received 2 comments. Both from my brother Steve.

Come on people let me know you're out there.

What was the best/most memorable Christmas present you ever received?

I'll start, a Yogi the bear stuffed animal. He was about 3.5 feet tall and was awesome. I had opened up all my presents and went to the restroom and when I came out he was standing outside the door. To this day, I don't know how Santa got him to walk to the door but there he was.

Friday, November 27, 2009

And away we go...

It is truly the most wonderful time of they year.

There is something magical about this time of year. Don't get me wrong, all parts of the year are special in their own way but there's something about Christmas time. You stay up later, you visit more often, you laugh more, you long for nostalgia and tradition. (well in most cases anyway) The sky is more blue. The air is cleaner. The work day is shorter.

All in preparation for the coming of Christ. I realize that is not the main theme in most if not all things Christmas. But I do like to believe that while that is not front and center, it is the reason subconsciously for all that we do in this most wonderful time of the year.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you have ever read this blog before I think you can guess for what I am thankful.

I thank God I live in America. I thank God for my extraordinary Mom and Dad. I thank God for my wonderful brothers and sister and their families. I thank God for an abundance of friends.

I thank God for my children and my wife. They are the reason He put me on this earth.

God Bless you all today and everyday.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Here's a question for you...

why hasn't the secular left latched onto Thanksgiving and made it a more important holiday?

You can give thanks to any deity; Buddha, Allah, Gaia what have you. That's the beauty of turkey day: no ties. With Christmas, you're pretty much pigeon-holed; what with the name of the Savior in the holiday and all. You'd have to start making up holidays and start resurrecting older ones that really don't mean anything just to fit in. Fit in or stick it to the man, whichever you prefer.

In the overall scheme of things, Thanksgiving is the red-headed step child of major holidays. I mean right after Halloween, and actually before in some cases, Christmas decorations adorn the stores. Not much room for Thanksgiving in that scenario. If the left would promote Thanksgiving as much as they demote Christmas, they could have a pretty good holiday on their hands.

Perhaps then they'd leave Christ in Christmas or at least the Kwan in Kwanzaa.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


for not liking that song I sure kept it on there long enough. Bye bye gay boy. For those of you that have a problem with that last sentence as being un-PC, I give you this (fast forward to the 1:50 mark)

What is up with the media?

I know they are a bunch of bias looney-tunes but they aren't even trying to hide their subjectivity anymore. Case in point, what do you think of the Climategate scandal? Fox is the only station covering this story. But they had no problems covering this one.

Monday, November 16, 2009

For those of you that don't know...

I really like Christmas. I mean really.

So this morning was kind of bittersweet for me. The clock alarm sprung to life and unbeknown to me the radio station started its Christmas music. I can't think of a better time of year and yet it started with...well...I can't think of a worse Christmas song, Wham's "Last Christmas". Honestly. What a crappy way to start. It's only played because it has the word Christmas in it. I swear if Marilyn Manson wrote a song about animal sacrifices on Christmas they would deem that a Christmas song and put it in the rotation.

But I have quite a while to make it up to myself. I won't let this sites month-long Christmas Extravaganza be diminished because I woke up to Last Christmas.

The show must go on.

I will wax poetic on all things St. Nick. If you have any suggestions on anything you'd like to see let me know. I may repeat some stuff I did last year but that's only because I liked it.

I'm giddy.

I had to put on the music.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I love it when this happens...

I was reading one of my favorite blogs today and he was talking about what he was doing to keep his sick daughter entertained. He went online and looked up cartoon theme songs they used to watch together. She is 9 or 10 so no Hong Kong Phooey or the like. He listed Rollie Pollie Ollie, Dora, which they hated, glad I'm not the only one, Tiny Planets, The Wiggles, Sesame Street...wait a minute...go back...





Could it be?

I was flicking through the channels years ago when I came across a theme song to a cartoon the likes of which have never been equaled. It had a great melody. You could dance to it. Very much an 80's song right smack dab in the middle of the ought cartoons.

I saw it once. I could not find it again.


And yet, I could still sing it in my head:

Bing and Bong
Fly across the universe and
Play among the stars

Best. Theme Song. Ever.

Without further ado, I give you the Tiny Planets theme song: (I'm so excited.)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Random thoughts...

I think I realized on Sunday one thing I am afraid of becoming...oblivious.

After listening to the umpteenth blue hair unravel her mint wrapped in celophane during the sermon, you could probably see the steam coming out of my ears, I had the epiphany.

I don't want to become oblivious.

I don't want to stop reading street signs and go straight from a left turn only lane. I don't want to forget the impact my actions have on others. I am hyper-vigilant about that now: to a fault I know. So perhaps as I age and the faculties diminish, I will just be brought to the level of vigilant. My guess is at that point I won't care too much what others think.

We had a great Halloween. Madison was a mermaid. Kelly and Madison made her costume together. Ian was a UCLA football player and Reagan was a UCLA cheerleader.

We went to Halloween in the park down the street at the Historical park. I know I've said this before about our little town but we put on a good shindig. There were games and pony rides and food. Good time.

Before all the festivities Kelly made a special snack for everyone. Spooky Sandies, PB & J cut out to look like a ghost or a pumpkin. Witches fingers in some type of witch brew, 5 carrots sticking out of spinach dip. Apple fangs, apples cut to look like a mouth with almond slices for fangs. Blood Punch, red Kool Aid. And eyeballs for dessert, donut holes dipped in white chocolate with a Hersheys morsel for a pupil and red food coloring for the bloodshot.

I mean how cool is that.

Kelly does stuff like that all the time.

Major effort.

Great effect.

Lifetime memories.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Worst. Bill. Ever...

WSJ's words not mine

Do yourself a favor...

Google "copenhagen agreement".

If you don't want to, hit the link below.

Obama is poised to sign this treaty.

Luckily, this should go the way of the Kyoto protocol but, man, those UN guys are growing're getting bold.