Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I love it when this happens...

I was reading one of my favorite blogs today and he was talking about what he was doing to keep his sick daughter entertained. He went online and looked up cartoon theme songs they used to watch together. She is 9 or 10 so no Hong Kong Phooey or the like. He listed Rollie Pollie Ollie, Dora, which they hated, glad I'm not the only one, Tiny Planets, The Wiggles, Sesame Street...wait a minute...go back...





Could it be?

I was flicking through the channels years ago when I came across a theme song to a cartoon the likes of which have never been equaled. It had a great melody. You could dance to it. Very much an 80's song right smack dab in the middle of the ought cartoons.

I saw it once. I could not find it again.


And yet, I could still sing it in my head:

Bing and Bong
Fly across the universe and
Play among the stars

Best. Theme Song. Ever.

Without further ado, I give you the Tiny Planets theme song: (I'm so excited.)

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