It's amazing these obliviots ( a combo of oblivious and idiot) have enough awareness to get up in the morning. Case in point: at the hotel they have a breakfast. The room has 6 tables, 4 4-tops and 2 2-tops. All the tables are full, one 4-top has bags on two of the chairs. I get my food and proceed to eat standing up. One of the 4-tops has a man and a woman sitting at it. The guy stands up and goes to the table with just the bags and pulls something out and sits down again. The woman turns around and pulls something out of the other bag on the other chair at the empty table.
Can you picture the steam coming out of my ears?
They placed their bags at a table at which they weren't sitting while having 2 perfectly fine chairs at their table not being used.
I proceeded to move their bags to the chairs at their table so I could sit down while eating. The look of incredulity was priceless. It was all I could do not to ask them why they voted for Obama.
I am standing in line waiting for the call to board the plane. I am Priority Access now (Barney Fife moment) so I take my place a little closer than most but take care not to get in front of anyone so as to block their way. Well, some moron proceeds to inch his way through the crowd and stops right in front of me. I actually had to back up.
They called the Priority Access people and I had to jimmy around this bozo. I looked at his ticket and he was...
I turned to him and said, "Group 2? Are you kidding me?" as the rest of the priority access people had to make their way around this obliviot.
Chicago looks the same. How did I do that trip every week for 1/2 a year? I do like the seasons though.
It's nice to be home.
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