3 people commented on his blog...
After almost 2 months.
I have 19 posts in the month of May alone and do you know how many comments I have?
What's up with that? One of them is from someone I don't even know.
I realize most of my posts are political in nature and may be harder to comment on but I have a plethora of other subjects as well.
Personal stories
I have a Star Wars lego story for crying out loud. That's good stuff.
Even when I spill my guts I get squat.
I am as close to a girl as you can get without actually being one. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I worry about being color coordinated. I can act gay like nobody's business.
I mean come on people I need some feedback here. "You Suck!". "You Rock!".
I realize this post may be a little petty, shallow and selfish but I did say...I was as...close...(don't got there)...to...a girl...as you...could...get...
obligatory comment to keep you blogging - its good stuff.
That's good enough for me.
I don't remember the last time you blogged about the kids - it's definitely time for a Madison, Ian, and Reagan story.
it's me again.
wow. i am good. just gave you 4 comments in 3 minutes.
Actually, I don't know you either, but when I was blogging hopping, I came across your post about your son not wanting to talk because he wanted to smell his feet. It was so funny, I added to you to my blog, and I told everyone that story. You have quite a character there.
Oh yeah, don't feel too bad. No one ever comments on mine except one person. I have seen people have like 30 something comments under one post, and it is sickening.
Maybe your un-named brother just has a knack for storytelling. You ever think of that!!! OR maybe his wife has lots of friends who read it and feel sorry for him, so they comment. Like I'm doing now!
Kim says, "Waa Waa Waa"
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