Thursday, December 10, 2009

The only way I can relate this to Christmas...

Is to say that Harry Reid is a scrooge.

Harry Reid likened opposition to a government takeover of the American health-care system to support of slavery in the mid-nineteenth century, saying that reactionary opposition to “change” always exists. Unfortunately, Reid used the right analogy but in the wrong application. The problem with ObamaCare is that it will eventually enslave a free people to the elite few in its capital, who will have the power to invade every aspect of their lives with the fulcrum of health-care costs as the excuse. Also, as two-time Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez points out in his excellent entry today, the costs of this system alone will force Americans into that kind of relationship with Washington:

Our founders wrote the Constitution to limit the power of Congress to avoid precisely this kind of outcome. When elected officials tell their that Congress has the power to write any kind of laws they want, it exemplifies the founders’ most basic fear of centralized, federal governments. They knew that serfdom could come through the ballot box, and they’re about to be proven prescient.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have been remiss in my blogging. And at Christmas too.

What's up with me?

I don't know. I wait all year for this and when it finally gets here I'm in a funk.

"Snap out of it, stupid."

I haven't watched It's a Wonderful Life yet. Maybe that's the problem. I think I will go watch it and see what happens.

Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's snowing! WOOHOO!! Now that's Christmas/winter/wonderland/stuff I like.

I brought some CARN for popping.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tree is up...

lights on the house are up. They actually went up last Tuesday but who's counting. we are on our way.

As if I needed another reason to think Obama is a communist: his speech tonight is preempting "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

That's right folks, he felt it more important for us to see him on TV one more time rather than the hilarious antics of Snoopy, the beguiling puckishness of Lucy, the quiet diginity of Linus and even the disappointment of Shermy, "Every Christmas it's the same. I always end up playing a shephard."

I will leave you with a clip from the marvelous show to get the taste of Obama out of your mouths.

The music you heard when you entered the page is from Charlie Brown of course.