Wednesday, July 28, 2010

From the "Let them eat cake" dept...

After Obama declared in a July 27, 2010 interview with ABC's Elizabeth Leamy, “We’re not that far removed from what most Americans are going through," we find out that Michelle Obama has booked a very expensive vacation to Spain accompanied by "long-time family friends". The liberal media that did decide to cover it calls it a "private" vacation, but since when have the Obama's used their own money?

The hotel in which she is staying is a 5 star $2895 dollar a night establishment. Let's say she spends 5 nights. A week? Sounds reasonable. That would be $14475. Not bad I suppose. She is a first lady after all. Wouldn't want her staying at the Motel 6 Barcelona.

Did I forget to mention she rented 30 rooms per night for the family, friends and entourage?

That bill comes out to $434250.

That's just for the rooms. Doesn't include travel, food, knick-knacks for the kid, she is only taking one of them and the Man-Child is staying home too.

I'm going on vacation in a few weeks too. Mustang Island. I'm driving. Staying in a $300 a night condo. All 5 of us will be in there.

I'd call that even.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A week of firsts...

at the Pfaffenberger household.

Kids use chop-a-stick for first time. Madison had actually used them once before so she was an old pro. Ian did very well. He scooped up the noodles with his sticks and actually was full by the end of the meal.Reagan used them mostly as drumsticks but they were used nonetheless.

We also went and saw our friends new baby, Sarah Beth. She is 6 weeks old.

I remember those days. Not being 6 weeks old but having a 6 week old baby of course. Never knowing exactly what to do. Just giving it your best guess with the oodles of literature you had read on rearing children. And still feeling as if you aren't doing it right.

Also, this week our oldest daughter Madison went off to girl scout camp where she is sleeping over for two whole nights. Her first sleep over camp. She has slept over at a friends house but that was a block away and could come home if need be. We, Kelly and I, dropped her off on Sunday afternoon up near Paris about 1 1/2 hours away. It was a picturesque camp complete with pine trees, cabins, mess hall, firepits and a lake for canoeing and swimming.

She was a rock. Wish her old man could say the same. I had to pull her back to give me a hug and a kiss. She was ready to run right off and go do the crafts.

I have thought about her a lot since yesterday. And will a lot until tomorrow I'm sure. It's strange not to know where she is or what she is doing. Knowing that if she really needed you it would take some time to get there. That is not what I am dwelling on but it has crossed my mind once or twice.

She could meet a girl she is friends with for the rest of her life at this camp. She will learn new things. Hear different points of view. She is a wonderful person and I know it will be the experience of a life time for her.

I still won't rest easy until she is home safe and sound.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Always room for a good video...

I have wanted to post about...

so many things lately but they are coming in too fast and furiously.

The DOJ dropping the New Black Panther case despite having these guys on tape intimidating voters. One of which was caught on tape in an earlier escapade saying the only way to get anything was to kill some crackers i.e. white people and to kill some crackers babies. You read that correctly. I guess this guy was just misunderstood.

The revelations coming out about Jounolist. An invitation only web site of journalists, acadmics and news people that pretty much proves what conservatives have been saying about the Main Stream Media (MSM) all along; they are a bunch of biased bozos. To be fair, I don't have an issue with them expressing their opinions on a website. Why would I? What I do object to is them trying to influence news and elections based on those views. They tried to suppress the Rev Wright story to protect Obama. They discussed their Palin strategy which seemed to take root. Can you guess what that strategy might have been?

Color me shocked...not so much.

After all that, the Man-Child signed the financial reform bill that will catalyze the process of sliding right into a depression.

I didn't think it was humanly possible for one man(-child) to screw up this country so quickly. But, he has done it.

I am not all doom and gloom though. My business is going well. I guess I have the Man-Child to thank for that. < /sarcasm> For those of you that don't know the < /sarcasm> thing is a programmer joke. Most web sites are written in HTML code. The code has tags. For instance if I want to italicize some code I would put a "< i >" tag before and a "< /i >" tag after the desired text: for example

I start the italics with the first tag and I end the italics with the second tag. Therefore I was stopping my sarcasm with the tag.

A little long to go for a joke but the next time you see it you'll crack up. Trust me.

Kids are great. Doing the summer thing. Swimming, playing, slip and sliding, watching movies on our new big screen TV, whining that their is nothing to do.

Kelly is starting to show the strain as well. Summertime is in full swing. All kids all the time. She looks like she needs a vacation. Which she will get when we go to the beach in a few weeks. Although the thought of vacation is always much better than the actual vacation.

I think I mentiioned that once before.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

From the WTF? department...

In this age of near double digit unemployment, the national debt racing to near 3 trillion dollar levels - let me write that out for you so visually you can see it 3,000,000,000,000; yes that's 12 zeroes - people losing money left and right because the money they invested is going down the tubes, I read this in the paper about the Man-Child's vacation to Maine...

Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president's personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci.

Now to be fair, I don't have an issue with the President taking a vacation. He needs it. Toughest job in the world. I don't have a problem with his pet going along for company. Why should I?

What irks me beyond belief is the fact that he had said dog flown in a private jet by itself to their vacation destination.

Is Air Force One too small? Are the kids allergic to the dog?

I have no idea what would possess a man who is in charge of a country that is in a financial free fall to do such a thing. Well I have one idea. Let's just say I should start calling him King Man-Child.

Honestly! Doesn't this wreak of blue-blood, let them eat cake nobility? How out of touch is this guy?

I think the fact he had his dog flown to their vacation on its own jet is a clear indication.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You haven't lived...

until you've watched a two year old dance, shaking her hands and moving her head, in the middle of the living room to Michael Jackson while singing, "They'll kick you and they'll beat you and they'll tell you it's fair! Just Beat it! Beat it!"

On key as well. Of the three, she has the best pitch.

Madison bought a 217 page book on Saturday morning about 11:00. She was done with it by Saturday night about 7:00.

The speed is amazing but I wanted to make sure she was comprehending as well. She gave me about a 5 minute synopsis of the story. I'd say her comprehension is up to par.

Ian continues to crack me up. Tonight he was walking to the bathroom and he tooted. He turned his torso around and looked down at his bottom and said in a voice that can only be described as Darth Vader on helium, "Please, stop tooting!"

Watching Amber our dog I have come to realize for a dog life resets every time the door is opened.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Bulwer-Lytton Awards...

For those of you that don't know, this award is named after Edward George Bulwer-Lytton a writer in the early 19th century. The contest challenges entrants to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels. the reason it is named after Bulwer-Lytton is...well read his opening sentence of Paul Clifford:

"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness."

--Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Paul Clifford (1830)

Not so good.

Following are a few of the winners and losers. Funny all the same...

For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss--a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.

Runner Up:
Through the verdant plains of North Umbria walked Waylon Ogglethorpe and, as he walked, the clouds whispered his name, the birds of the air sang his praises, and the beasts of the fields from smallest to greatest said, "There goes the most noble among men" -- in other words, a typical stroll for a schizophrenic ventriloquist with delusions of grandeur.

Winner Childrens Lit:
“Please Mr. Fox, don’t take your magic back to the forest, it is needed here in Twigsville!” pleaded little Isabel, but Mr. Fox was unconcerned as he smugly loped back into the woods without answering a word knowing well that his magic was only going to be used to make sure his forest would be annexed into the neighboring community of Leaftown where the property values were much higher.

Winner Detective:
She walked into my office wearing a body that would make a man write bad checks, but in this paperless age you would first have to obtain her ABA Routing Transit Number and Account Number and then disable your own Overdraft Protection in order to do so.

Winner Fantasy Fiction:
The wood nymph fairies blissfully pranced in the morning light past the glistening dewdrops on the meadow thistles by the Old Mill, ignorant of the daily slaughter that occurred just behind its lichen-encrusted walls, twin 20-ton mill stones savagely ripping apart the husks of wheat seed, gleefully smearing the starchy entrails across their dour granite faces in unspeakable botanical horror and carnage – but that’s not our story; ours is about fairies!

Winner Purple Prose:
The dark, drafty old house was lopsided and decrepit, leaning in on itself, the way an aging possum carrying a very heavy, overcooked drumstick in his mouth might list to one side if he were also favoring a torn Achilles tendon, assuming possums have them.

Runner Up:
The wind whispering through the pine trees and the sun reflecting off the surface of Lake Tahoe like a scattering of diamonds was an idyllic setting, while to the south the same sun struggled to penetrate a sky choked with farm dust and car exhaust over Bakersfield, a town spread over the lower San Joaquin Valley like a brown stain on a wino’s trousers, which is where, unfortunately, this story takes place.

Winner Vile Puns:
It was a risky production unlike any mounted prior on the Met stage, the orchestra first imitating the perpetually beating heart of a man walled-in while in pursuit of wine , and then a soprano singing the plaintive aria of a barely alive woman stuffed up a chimney as her ancestral home was destroyed; however, it certainly was Opera Poe.

Runner Up:
As Jeffrey Hicks, the event safety coordinator for the Renaissance Festival finished posting the revised standards for weaponry, he thought of the day an unleashed dog wandered onto the jousting field, causing the rider from Indianapolis to stop short, impaling himself on the butt of his spear, and the following day’s newspaper headline which read: “Stray Injures Indy Knight, Hicks Changing Lances.”

Dishonorable Mention:
Wearing his new slacks from L.L. Bean, and entering the pen to feed his three big dogs their usual three cans of dog food, some of which ended up on his new pants, Kevin then left the house to attend a revival screening of ‘Serpico’ with Alpo chinos.

More later...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What a great week so far...

I took part in my first Vacation Bible School this week.

What a blast!

The amount of effort it takes to put one of these on is amazing. Kelly was the director this year so I should know. She and her merry band were busy for weeks nay months in preparation. Sets, costumes, crafts, movies, snacks, games, etc. etc. etc.

They did a fantastic job and the kids had a ball. Almost as much fun as I did.

The theme was High Seas Adventure. God's word is amazing! I played a character named Sailor Jack. Kind of a goofball guy who has a quandary in his life that just so happens to coincide with that days lesson. Every time I had an issue, God's word would be just what I needed.

This was a very spiritual event for me. Seeing the kids learn about God and their enthusiasm for it. It was a sight to see.

Not only that but I can relate to Sailor Jack. I am somewhat of a goofball who has quandarys in my life who just needs to stop and listen. I need to gain my strength through Christ. I remembered that this week and it's something I hope I won't forget.

Just to hammer the lesson home, God did something for me yesterday too. To preface the story for those of you that don't know, I am a Jeffersonian Deist kind of a guy. By that I mean, I don't believe God has a direct hand in the daily goings on of our lives. I dread to bring this up because I know what you're thinking. I do believe God is omniscient, omnipresent the whole 9 yards. He is always in my heart. Always there. I just don't think he finds me a job.

Having said that I do believe in miracles which of course is Gods hand in our every day lives. But something we can't explain. That's why it is a miracle.

My philosophy could be due to a lack of faith. I don't know.

What I do know is yesterday I went out to do some yard work and get the pool ship shape. Finished my work and lit up a cigar. The rain came in so fast I couldn't get out from under the table and umbrella in the backyard fast I sat there. Under the umbrella. Smoking my cigar.

I listened.
I smelled.
I watched.
I felt.

The rain.

I prayed.
I cried.
I smiled.
I thanked.

The Lord.

For sending His word in the form of the rain.

Sailor Jack really needed it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Liberal ideology...

How did four Supreme Court justices wind up arguing against the Constitution?

The Supreme Court has made an individual right to gun ownership settled law, more than 220 years after the founders mistakenly believed they had settled the issue.

Some on the left were none too happy about the decision...

In their dissenting opinions, Justices John Paul Stevens and Stephen Breyer (joined by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor) worry that overturning gun control laws undermines democracy. If “the people” want to ban handguns, they say, “the people” should be allowed to implement that desire through their elected representatives.

What if the people want to ban books that offend them, establish an official church, or authorize police to conduct warrantless searches at will? Those options are also foreclosed by constitutional provisions that apply to the states by way of the 14th Amendment. The crucial difference between a pure democracy and a constitutional democracy like ours is that sometimes the majority does not decide.

Jacob Sullum from Reson magazine, notes that Stevens argued that firearms have a “fundamentally ambivalent relationship to liberty,” which is amazing from a jurist supposedly working within the Constitution. The document itself recognizes that a free people have the right to self-defense by owning firearms, an explicit rejection of any such ambivalence. In fact, they found the connection between gun ownership and liberty so unproblematic that they guaranteed the right of the people to keep and bear arms in the second explicit statement of uninfringeable individual liberties in the Constitution.

If the issue is that the right to gun ownership can be abused, well, so can all of the other rights. Part of the reason why gun owners need to keep their own weapons is precisely because gun ownership can be abused. While the Left side of the Court extols the ability of states to act as laboratories for social and legal innovation, they ignore the fact that the “experiments” in gun bans have proven without exception to be failures. Banning handguns and other firearms in Chicago didn’t keep guns out of the city; the laws just ensured that law-abiding citizens would be disarmed and at the mercy of those who would abuse gun ownership for criminal enterprises. Those hardest hit are citizens in urban areas, who are more likely to be poor and members of minorities, as well, who cannot rely on police to act as personal bodyguards at all times.