Saturday, July 3, 2010

What a great week so far...

I took part in my first Vacation Bible School this week.

What a blast!

The amount of effort it takes to put one of these on is amazing. Kelly was the director this year so I should know. She and her merry band were busy for weeks nay months in preparation. Sets, costumes, crafts, movies, snacks, games, etc. etc. etc.

They did a fantastic job and the kids had a ball. Almost as much fun as I did.

The theme was High Seas Adventure. God's word is amazing! I played a character named Sailor Jack. Kind of a goofball guy who has a quandary in his life that just so happens to coincide with that days lesson. Every time I had an issue, God's word would be just what I needed.

This was a very spiritual event for me. Seeing the kids learn about God and their enthusiasm for it. It was a sight to see.

Not only that but I can relate to Sailor Jack. I am somewhat of a goofball who has quandarys in my life who just needs to stop and listen. I need to gain my strength through Christ. I remembered that this week and it's something I hope I won't forget.

Just to hammer the lesson home, God did something for me yesterday too. To preface the story for those of you that don't know, I am a Jeffersonian Deist kind of a guy. By that I mean, I don't believe God has a direct hand in the daily goings on of our lives. I dread to bring this up because I know what you're thinking. I do believe God is omniscient, omnipresent the whole 9 yards. He is always in my heart. Always there. I just don't think he finds me a job.

Having said that I do believe in miracles which of course is Gods hand in our every day lives. But something we can't explain. That's why it is a miracle.

My philosophy could be due to a lack of faith. I don't know.

What I do know is yesterday I went out to do some yard work and get the pool ship shape. Finished my work and lit up a cigar. The rain came in so fast I couldn't get out from under the table and umbrella in the backyard fast I sat there. Under the umbrella. Smoking my cigar.

I listened.
I smelled.
I watched.
I felt.

The rain.

I prayed.
I cried.
I smiled.
I thanked.

The Lord.

For sending His word in the form of the rain.

Sailor Jack really needed it.


Mike and Kim said...
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Mike and Kim said...

beautiful post. it reminds me of one of my favorite Scripture verses:

"...He comes to us like the rain.."
Hosea 6:3

He brought YOU the rain THAT night.
So, yes, I do believe He has His Hand in ALL of it.

(p.s. sorry about the "delete" was me. misspelled word..truly just wanted an EDIT option! and, while i've got you...the gray font color is super hard to read against your beautiful mountains....just sayin')