Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You haven't lived...

until you've watched a two year old dance, shaking her hands and moving her head, in the middle of the living room to Michael Jackson while singing, "They'll kick you and they'll beat you and they'll tell you it's fair! Just Beat it! Beat it!"

On key as well. Of the three, she has the best pitch.

Madison bought a 217 page book on Saturday morning about 11:00. She was done with it by Saturday night about 7:00.

The speed is amazing but I wanted to make sure she was comprehending as well. She gave me about a 5 minute synopsis of the story. I'd say her comprehension is up to par.

Ian continues to crack me up. Tonight he was walking to the bathroom and he tooted. He turned his torso around and looked down at his bottom and said in a voice that can only be described as Darth Vader on helium, "Please, stop tooting!"

Watching Amber our dog I have come to realize for a dog life resets every time the door is opened.

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