Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This one is a hodge-podge so bear with me...

So what's happening in the world today?

Not much. We are heading down the path to socialism at an alarming clip; the root of any opposition to the One's initiatives is obviously racism; the violent right is taking this country to the brink of disaster...and...Israel sucks.

That about covers it.

This morning while getting ready for work, I watched my two youngest dance the hot dog dance on our bed. I of course joined in loving all things hot dog. As we danced, I smiled. They laughed. A good time was had by all. Now, I am not going where you think I am going with this. Even if this country becomes fully socialized, kids will still dance on the bed and parents will still smile as they watch. Books will be read. Pirates will be played. Dogs will be scolded for chewing you out of house and home. Life will go on. To children, life will go on.

That's the way it is with kids. They live through their emotions. They want to play, dance, laugh and eat candy all day. And as a parent, I would love to let them do that. However, as a parent, I know it is just not feasible. Even for kids there are consequences to their actions. They just don't know it. That's why as adults we must set limits and enforce rules. Not always wanting to do so but knowing it is for their own good.

Now the reason we do these things is so when they become adults hopefully they will have learned what responsibility is, what consequences are. While running on emotion is not entirely a bad thing, sometimes there needs to be a little logic and reason applied to our decisions to keep things in balance.

I am not immmune to this childish child-like behavior. I want to get an HD TV with some of our tax return money. Kelly doesn't think is such a great idea. With every fiber of my being I hate to admit she's right about this but she is. We have a perfectly good TV and we don't need a new one. What we do need is some home repair. Yipee! Not fun but necessary. In the end she will probably win out and I will sulk but the adult will prevail as it should be.

I shudder to think of a society where the children make all the decisions and the parents are relegated to watching the debacle because they have a filibuster proof majority. Oops. Did I just inject politics into this? It really has nothing to do with that. Really...really.

As much as that scenario bugs me, I'm not sure I am less irked by the One's treatment of Benjamin Netenyahu. He is the leader of Israel you know. He came to visit us here and was promptly treated like a horses ass by our Chief Horses Ass. How do you explain this level of mistreatment of a foreign dignitary? My theory is it is not political. They have been our allies for 50 years. The only one in the area for the majority of that time. If not political then what? I say religious. Explain to me why the One will not allow a picture of himself and Netenyahu, a Jew mind you, yet we see these images...

In conclusion, the President of the United States will not have his picture taken with the head of a jewish state who is one of our closest allies and yet feels no qualms about bowing before a muslim king of Saudi Arabia. Something a President is never suppsed to do. Bow to anyone.


Following is one of the best pro-life ads I have ever seen.

Says it all doesn't it?

For those of you who don't know the hot dog dance, Mickey Mouse shows you...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Apropos if nothing...from 1948 no less..

An actual quote...

from someone protesting an Ann Coulter speech. As a matter of fact they were so threatening in their protest they canceled her speech...

What Ann Coulter is practicing is not free speech, it's hate speech...

Why do I get the feeling that the people who support the health care bill look at that sentence and think it makes perfect sense?