Saturday, July 17, 2010

From the WTF? department...

In this age of near double digit unemployment, the national debt racing to near 3 trillion dollar levels - let me write that out for you so visually you can see it 3,000,000,000,000; yes that's 12 zeroes - people losing money left and right because the money they invested is going down the tubes, I read this in the paper about the Man-Child's vacation to Maine...

Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president's personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci.

Now to be fair, I don't have an issue with the President taking a vacation. He needs it. Toughest job in the world. I don't have a problem with his pet going along for company. Why should I?

What irks me beyond belief is the fact that he had said dog flown in a private jet by itself to their vacation destination.

Is Air Force One too small? Are the kids allergic to the dog?

I have no idea what would possess a man who is in charge of a country that is in a financial free fall to do such a thing. Well I have one idea. Let's just say I should start calling him King Man-Child.

Honestly! Doesn't this wreak of blue-blood, let them eat cake nobility? How out of touch is this guy?

I think the fact he had his dog flown to their vacation on its own jet is a clear indication.

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