Sunday, July 19, 2009

Coming to you on the road...

from beautiful Snyder, TX.

I don't know what possesses people to live in small communities like this. I don't have an issue with small communities mind you it's just small communities in the middle of nowhere. Actually it's small communities with no aesthetic appeal. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. De nada for my Spanish friends.

A small town in the mountains. Pretty. A small town on the beach. Nice. A small town in the middle of West Texas dirt and heat and grime. Huh?

Had a great trip yesterday. Kids were fabulous. Left the house at 12:00, left McDonald's down the street from our house at 12:15. Stopped by Kelly's Alma Mater in Abilene, Hardin Simmons for 1/2 hour. She got very nostalgic. Got to Snyder, our halfway point, by 4:40. Map showed we shouldn't be there until 5:00 and that was leaving at noon with no 1/2 hour stop. (BF moment)

We are fixing to start our second leg to the mountains of Ruidoso. Hope today goes as well as yesterday. Except for last night. Reagan would not sleep. So, needless to say Kelly will be napping and kids will be watching movies while I am chewing and itouching the music scene.

We'll keep you posted.


Mike and Kim said...

Hope you guys have a great trip!

Mike and Kim said...

Ahhh, driving with everyone occupied, headphones on listening to Queen or Devo or James Taylor, big chew of Levi going, Super Big Gulp of diet Coke at your side... The stuff that dreams are made of.