Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Two days til the big guy gets here...

This season has been filled with singing and shopping and watching movies and specials and baking.

What fun!

Ian had his first Christmas program. He sang with the rest of the kids his age, all 3 of them. Regardless, it was neat to see him up there singing for the first time. Does a Daddy proud.

Madison is an old pro. This is like her third or fourth. She did a great job reading and singing. Reagan is not quite old enough yet but that didn't stop her from going up on the stage when all the other kids did at the end to take a bow.

I heard Mel Torme last night for the first time this Christmas. He will put you in the mood. As I've said before, his rendition of The Christmas Song is my favorite. Even more so than Nat King Cole's. Both are excellent but I give the nod to Mel because after all he wrote the song.

I have Charlie Brown Christmas playing in my truck exclusively. I am watching nothing but Christmas themed shows. I wear nothing but red and green and a Santa hat. It's getting close to zero hour. No holding back now.

This is truly the greatest time of the year. I need to remember that as the festivities continue but especially as they wind down.

Pray that I keep my big yap shut, please.

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