Sunday, August 31, 2008

Too much politics...

Madision finished her first week of school by claiming on Friday night, "I don't have to go to school on Monday! Yea!" I guess she's more like me than I thought. She actually loved the first week of school. Everything is new and she is meeting new people. The teacher called on Wednesday and let us know how well she reads. I did the old Barney Fife, "Well, she is a Pfaffenberger." Complete with nose sniff. Just to brag on her a bit, they let her check a book out of the school lbrary. "What's so special about that?" you ask. Well as a rule they don't let kindergartners check out books from the library. She was very excited. We are very proud.

Ian had a rough day the first day. He missed her. Kelly said he was kind of subdued. Just sat by her and watched TV. I think he has acclimated though because he is back to his jovial self most of the time. Today he almost single-handidly polished off a bag of fritos and bean dip. The kid can eat. He continues to make leaps in his vocabulary and counting. He is our precious boy and we are blessed he is a part of our lives

Chompy is getting another tooth and a gear to match. Tooth number 3 is coming in on top. Doesn't seem to bother her too much. And man can she move. She is doing the army crawl thing and she's faster than a private on last drill before a 3 week furlough. With that crawling, comes the incessant vaccuuming. And boy is Kelly getting tired. Making sure there are no barbie shoes or leaves or hairs on the ground that she can pick up and eat. Because if it's on the ground she'll find it and eat it.

Life is good here. Everyone is healthy and happy as far as I can tell. We're all living the American dream no thanks to Obama...oops...I said I wouldn't do that. Sorry. It just slipped out.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Thanks so much for that wonderful blog. (hope you didn't change it JUST for me...)

3 reasons why I love Madison, Ian, and Reagan:
1. Madison has got to be one of the most level-headed 5 1/2 year olds I know (don't laugh - it's true)
2. Ian and the way he says my name; the way he says "ok" to every little thing; and the way he loves his cousin Isaiah
3. Reagan -- simply because when I hold her, I feel so good inside. I look at her, and I see happiness and joy.

Don't mean to be mushy, but thank you, John and Kelly....THANK YOU so much for sharing with me (and Scott) three of the best blessings ever!!

We love you lots!