For those of you who think "The 12 Days of Christmas" is a horrible Christmas song, as I do, these facts may change your mind. They didn't change my mind but who knows...
It is said that the traditional Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was written as a secret teaching tool to instruct children in the meaning of the Christian faith. From 1558 to 1829 Roman Catholics in England were, apparently, forbidden from openly practicing their religion. So, this carol was devised to get the message across without upsetting the Protestants. Here is the broken code:
Passage/ Hidden definition
My true love/ God
Me/ The Christian
Partridge in a pear tree/ Jesus
Two Turtle Doves/ The old and new testaments
Three French hens/ Faith, hope and love
Four calling birds/ The four gospels
Five gold rings/ The first 5 books of the bible
Six geese a-laying/ The 6 days of creation
Seven swans a-swimming/ The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Eight maids a-milking/ The beatitudes
Nine ladies dancing/ The 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit
Ten lords a-leaping/ The 10 commandments
Eleven pipers piping/ The 11 faithful disciples
Twelve drummers drumming/ The 12 points of the apostle creed
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