Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For those of you that don't know...

I tend to lean to the consevative side. Which pretty much puts me diametrically opposed to anything the Man-Child does, says, thinks, wants, wishes, longs get the idea.

In the case of fairness, the decision he had to make this morning was one I do not envy. How would you like to have to make a decision about the leader of the troops in a war zone who criticezed you in Rolling Stone?...Rolling Stone? What is up with that? Why would they let Rolling Stone tag along for two weeks? That alone should be a means for dismissal.

And for those who say McChrystal was insobordinate; they are wrong. Insobordinate means he refused to follow orders. He never did any such thing. He just put his head too far up his butt.

Whatever the Man-Child decided he was not going to please everyone. If he kept McChrystal, he would hear it from the chain of command guys. If he let him go, he would hear from the we're at war guys. He can't win.

I tend to side with the chain of command guys. So I probably would have done exactly what the Man-Child did. I hope it is what is best for the country. If not, we'll go down together the Man-Child and I.

Interesting side note to this whole affair: Petraus has been tagged as the new CO in Afghanistan. Being asked by the Man-Child and accepting.

Do you remember about 2 years ago an ad run by in the NYT that read "General Betray-us" A clever play on words by the leftists. Well the senate voted 77 to 25 to condemn the ad. One of the senators not voting was the Jr senator from Illinois. He said the resolution was " a stunt" and "By not casting a vote, I registered my protest against these empty politics."

That's right. It was...

The Man-Child

I think this shows you how much integrity Petraus has. His country asking him to do a job it deems necessary is more important than the petty man asking him to do it.

You see even in the face of agreement with the Man-Child I manage to find an angle.

Some may call that petty. I would.

I'm only human.

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