Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Beautiful Sunday Morning!

It is clear and about 55 degrees. A perfect morning for the unwashed bitter masses to go do some clinging to religion.

Seriously, the Sunday morning ritual of dressing the children for church is something I look forward to. Seeing them in their Sunday best does a heart good. Sunday is a good day. Church in the morning, home for a nap and then everybody goes back to church, except me. I am Catholic so once a Sunday is all I am used to. It does give me a 2 1/2 hour window of alone time. A nice respite, I must say. I feel almost guilty that Kelly doesn't get the same privilege. She is a much better person than I so it probably has never crossed her mind. (Pausing for audible groans) Of course, I know it has. It's just that it is very hard to do with our schedules. One Saturday I will take the kids and go to Grandma and Grandpa's. The ony problem with that is they would probably rather see her than me. And they are my parents. Oh well, we'll just keep trucking along and play it by ear. Have a great Sunday.

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