Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day by Day...

Day by Day...Oh Dear Lord...3 things I pray

To have a plate of baked ziti
To have a diet coke and CC
To have a slice of pi...zza

Day by Day

It actually is getting easier. I have not had half as many wanting to quit moments and the hunger pains have pretty much subsided. Every day is one step closer to healthy-ville. Population: me.

I bought a treadmill. Not one of the Sears specials either. A heavy duty one for a heavy duty dude. I am looking forward to wearing it out.

It has 20 pre-programmed routines on it. You can hook your mp3 player up to it. It inclines up to 15 degrees. And a bunch of stuff that I will probably never use. But it's there if I need it.

My goal is to run a 5K. I don't know how long it will take me to get to a point where I can actually run one but as I get closer I'll let you know. I have been promised by my good friend Jim he will run with me. I am excited about this challenge. Maybe I can get Kelly to go with me? Honey?

Not that she needs to exercise because she is pretty much a babe but for moral support. I can use all of that I can get.

Surgery is less than 2 weeks away. Have been on the liquid for a week. Pants feel a little looser already. Don't know if that's just mental but regardless, I am feeling better about myself. Which is huge.

I don't have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to my looks. When I am a lean mean fighting machine I hope I gain some.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Mike and Kim said...

Maybe I'll run with you and Jim. Sounds like fun.