Sunday, February 13, 2011

T minus one week and counting...

My surgery is a week from tomorrow. I can't wait.

I am flying through this thing now. I am not hungry. Ice and gum are enough to get me through my chewing need. It's all down hill from here.

As a part of the new exercise pledge, we walked the kids down to the park. While we were there, Ian was climbing a tree. He was straddling the branch between his legs when he broke into song loud and clear for all to hear;

Oh, Oh my teetee hurts.
Oh, Oh my teetee hurts oh yea!

At least he made up his own tune and was on key. That's my boy.

Signed Ian up for his first tee ball team. He will be playing with 3 cousins and a neighbor. It will be a blast. Mike, Steve and I are coaching. Reed, Mike's son, Patrick and Christian, Steve's sons and Ian are all playing. We are the Dodgers. We will be going out today to practice a bit. I hope he has fun. I think he will.

I think perhaps Ian's foray into organized sports may be a catalyst for this surgery. I have always wanted to coach him. In my present state, it would be very difficult.

That is soon to change.