Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!...

This is the day for all things spooky. Jack-o-Lanterns of all shapes and sizes. Ghosts. Witches. Spiders. Vampires. Frankenstein. Werewolves. Goblins. Skeletons. Democrats.

Man, that's some scary stuff.

Halloween is a great day. Dress up in costumes. Trick or treating. I have actually bobbed for an apple. As kids Halloween was a pretty big deal. It seemed there were kids everywhere. It was the one night we ruled the streets. Everyone participated. All the houses were lit up and giving candy. Or at least it seemed that way. It was probably just how I want to remember it. I have made return trips to playgrounds of my youth where the slides were as tall as trees and never seemed to end only to realize they were just normal slides not much taller than I am now.

Funny how that works.

It's not the size of the slides that matter in life; it's how we remember the size of the slides.

Halloween, despite some peoples misgivings, is a wonderful holiday meant to purge the earth of its evil souls. The original Celtic celebrations consisted of huge bonfires and animal sacrifices. But we stopped doing that in 1987. The modern day belief that Halloween is for devil worshipers is just that, a modern day belief. The Druids and Celts who are most associated with Halloween were pagans not Satanists. A pagan worships many gods. A Satanist worships Obama Satan. And nowhere in any historical text does it say that Druids or Celts worshipped a god of death.

Halloween has gotten a bum wrap over the years. It is the middle child of holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas get all the accolades. Halloween is left holding the bag. Pun intended. Since it is around my birthday and I am a middle child, I have an affinity for Halloween.

I just don't like the teenagers who don't dress up and use a pillow case for a bag just to get free candy. Punks.

And finally for your viewing pleasure, The Doobie Brothers do Halloween!

1 comment:

Mike and Kim said...

Okay...Doobie Brothers Halloween style is hilarous! Why don't you do that as you go around with Madison, Ian, and Reagan, John?

Your Godson is almost saying "VOTE McCAIN" instead of Happy Halloween to all our ADULT trick-or-treaters!!!!