Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back in Big D...

Only a couple more weeks of this then I hope to be going week there week home. I think that will be feasible.

Some people have no freakin clue. Guy in the hotel room next door to me did his laundry both nights. He left his door ajar by swinging that little latch thing that keeps your door from being open all the way when it is closed and used it to keep the door ajar. Seems he would check his laundry every 15 minutes or so and when he did so he would open his door and let it slam against the little latch thing causing a sound that can only be compared to a sonic boom. Shook the mirror on the wall. He did this until about 11:30 both nights. No consideration whatsoever.

So on my last morning there, I bumped into the door joining our two rooms on more than one occasion. I also banged on the wall periodically for 20 minutes. It was 6:00 am. I hope I woke his white trash behind up. I didn't really do that but I sure wanted to.

I spent one evening of my life watching a movie called Valley of Elah. I know it was one of the bevy of negative movies about the US but I wanted to see who killed his son. Don't see this freaking movie. I only watched it because I was stuck in Ottawa Illinois on a Thursday night. At the end, Tommy Lee Jones who is ex-military, flies a flag given to him by his son who subsequently has been murdered. As he drives away we see that the is flying the flag upside down.

Serves me right for watching a movie with Tommy Lee Jones and Susan Sarandon in it. All of the soldiers are borderline psychotic meth using yahoos. I think my policy of not watching movies of America hating leftists is in tact. I just need to test the waters every once in a while just to make sure.

Actual conversation of my Dollar rent a car bus driver and his trainer:

"OK. What do you say?"
"About what?"
"When you leave the base?...Leaving..."
"We talked about this...Leaving base, 10-20, Terminal 3. Go ahead you do it"
"Terminal 3..."
"No...Leaving base, 10-20, Terminal 3. Try again"
"Leaving Base, Terminal 3"
"No...Leaving base, 10-20, Terminal 3. Just. Like. That."
"10-20, Leaving base"
"Leaving base, 10-20, terminal 3."
"Good now make sure you watch out your mirroros when you are making turns. Watch those mirrors"

About 25 feet after he said that the guy started to run over a concrete pylon because he didn't turn out wide enough. The trainer took over and got me to the airport. I finally realized later the trainee was sitting in the passenger seat being trained on Tuesday when Dollar picked me up from the airpirt. That guy had been training for 3 days...and he couldn't say "Leaving base, 10-20, Terminal 3." and he scratched up one bus after being told specifically to watch for just that.

Oriental men travelers are the worst. I am in row 22 and this guy is in row 23. Seat belt sign goes off and he jumps ahead of me in the aisle. When I pulled my bag out I nailed him in the head with it.

Any body seen "Falling Down"?

1 comment:

Mike and Kim said...

JOHN!!!!!!!!!! I am worried about you! Are you taking your blood pressure medicine???

Truly this post cracked me up...your true self shinning through! But R-E-L-A-X....or join my group: NO TOLERANCE.
