Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm nation wide...

with regards to ZZ Top.

Flew to Phoenix this weekend. It is freaking hot there. 5 am - 93 degrees. I'm talking hot.

The temp wasn't the only thing that was hot. I went out there to sing with my brothers band. They had a gig lined up and had no singer. Well, no tenor anyway. Paul can sing just not as high as I can. And as we all know, there aren't too many baritone songs around. Crash Test Dummies; that's about it. He asked if I would come out. Kelly was happy to get rid of me, so off I went.

Had a blast. It was the 60th birthday party for the brother of a friend. About 100 people. Open bar. Good times. We did The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkle, James Taylor, BTO, Eric Clapton, CCR, The Eagles and the like. The guys in the band were excellent musicians and everything came together nicely. I like to think what we would have sounded like if we had actually practiced. Three of the guys I met at 6:00 on Saturday night. We played at 7:00 on Saturday night. We played about 3 hours all together. There were some hitches but all in all a very good performance. So good in fact the band got a few more gigs out of the deal. Hey Paul, if you start charging what you should be charging, I'll come out again and actually make some money this time. The trip cost me about $20 bucks. That includes flying out there. Not bad at all.

I will do it again in a heartbeat if asked. Next time though I bring my wife. I would love to bring the kids too but after watching the parents in the airport trying to corale their rug thanks. They can stay at Grandmas house over night.

I sure missed my crew Saturday morning. The kind of miss that makes you ache inside. I wanted to be home swimming and playing. I wanted just to be there. Paul and his family made it much easier to bear and eventually I did make it home. As I said before, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I would like to thank Paul, Maggie, Eric and Miranda for having me and showing me a great time. Swimming, cigar smolking, video game playing, and just talking are a nice way to spend the weekend.

Oh yea, the singing thing was nice too.

1 comment:

Mike and Kim said...

Wish so badly we could have been along to listen to you all!

Glad you're back safe!