Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today is the 80th anniversary of...

"Steamboat Willie". The first talkie Mickey cartoon. In honor of that, I will show you some cartoon theme songs that shaped my childhood.

This last one is not a cartoon but it is probably my favorite theme song of all time. I wanted to be Mary's husband so badly I could taste it. Hanging with her in the snow. Cooking in the little kitchen. What a great apartment she had. And a special treat for you it's the first year theme song. It is a little different than the one from years 2-7. I have won a few bar bets with this one.

So, what did I miss?


Mike and Kim said...

Thanks for taking blog space out to honor the BEST MOUSE ever!!!!


katy said...

That brought back great memories. I think Puff-n-Stuff and Sigmund the Seamonster are worthy, too.

John said...

Good call, Katy. Excellent call.