Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Because when I think Thanksgiving...

I think Mexican food!

Saw this article on the Dallas Morning News website "Make a Tex-Mex Thanksgiving with These Recipes". I refuse to link to it. Is there nothing sacred? I don't think I'll hold my breath waiting for the ripping Irish stew recipe just in time for Cinco de Mayo. Coming soon to the MSM near you: "Brighten up Your Christmas with the Koran!" "Make Easter complete with a Jewish Prayer Shawl".


You hear Obama may be getting his own holiday? But a weekly meeting at a McDonald’s restaurant does not seem to rise to the level of a mass movement, even if it’s held twice a day to get both the Breakfast Burrito and the BigMac demographic. You can chalk it all up to enthusiasm and anticipation – harmless at best, a benchmark for the depths of disenchantment at worst.

Conservatives cannot help but be saddened and left out – the only possible event that could lift their spirits right now would be a headline that said REAGAN, BACK FROM THE DEAD, EATS BIN LADEN AND CRAPS TAX CUT.

There are rumors of new Executive decrees which include magic Federal dollars for stem-cell research that uses human embryos - if you have any objections, you hate science - and a ban on domestic drilling and nat-gas exploration in public lands in Utah. (If you have any objections, you hate the environment.) The two form a nice mirror image: the former was a ban put in place to preserve a particular definition of human life; the latter is a ban lifted to preserve the environment. Again, it’s understandable: we only have one Utah, but we can always make more people. As long as they don’t live in Utah.

Will executive unilateralism remain a bad thing, a threat to our rights, or suddenly gain favor with old critics? Hmmmm. Cue the Jeopardy! theme. That’s a stumper.

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