Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our tax dollars at work...

Some things speak for themselves.

I guess these "artists" feel they are being bold and pushing the boundaries and sparking conversations about the banality of religion and its opiate of the masses appeal.

I'll start. "I think you're a schmuck."

Funny how these bold and cutting edge artists always use Christian symbols to stick up places and place in jars of urine. It's never a cartoon picture of Mohammed. Talk about being on the cutting edge. Right across their throat.

Christians are easy targets. Turn the other cheek and all that. We just sit back and take it. Islam on the other hand. No self-respecting, bold, cutting edge artist would be caught dead dissing those guys. (Pun intended)

Give me a Salman Rushdie any day of the week and twice on Sundays over any of these artist bozos. Rushdie lived in hiding for a decade and apparently moved more than 200 times in that time period.

Now that's art.


Kerri said...

Unbelievable. (and thank you, by the way, for clearing up my confusion) Please know that I was not accusing you of "falsehoods". I am just fascinated with the stuff that you find!

John said...

It never crossed my mind.