Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good Saturday...

Woke up. Got out of bed. Dragged the comb across my head. (piano solo) Sorry a little Beatles there. Sometimes I can't help myself.

I did wake up though. Got a sample of pool water and was off to the pool store with Madison and Ian in tow. I had seen an advertisement for a water treatment that sold me on one picture alone. It was of 6 pools. 5 of which looked absolutely disgusting, green and slimy not unlike my bathtub in college...

relax, I roomed with an army guy and an ex football player. I don't think you could have found more testosterone in one area anywhere in the country. It was all bills paid. The AC was so low you could hang meat. Thanks to the army guy, my bathroom was so clean you could eat off of it. The two nuggets of wisdom I took from him were 1. use Mennens Skin Bracer to clean the grout in the bathroom. That stuff was lethal. And 2. Always iron your shoulders. You can tell a guy who knows how to iron by how his shirt shoulders look...back to the ad...

while one pool looked prisitne. The 6 pools had their pumps turned off for 3 months and no chemicals were added. I spoke with the rep of the company because I happen to work for a pool company so I had access and he said the pic was legit. Well, I was sold. So I picked some up. Reasonable price and relatively easy application. One problem. The stuff congealed in one corner of the pool and I for the life of me can't get it out of there. The sheet they gave me, this is the pool store my company owns mind you, said to add a gallon of acid and then 10-13 lbs of Endure, that's the name of the treatment, until the treatment was all gone. This was a total of 3 1/2 gallons of acid and 45 lbs of Endure. Just what they wrote on the sheet. I did just as the sheet said. I got the blob.

I'm sure I'm not the first one to get a blob. But this is my first blob so, I am none too happy. It could be eating away my plaster. It could be damaging my equipment. It could be plotting to steal my car. I don't know! It is just a little unsettling knowing there could be the makings of a bad '50's horror movie taking over the backyard. I am debating to call the store managers phone to ask if this is normal. Heck it would be nice to actually disturb someone at home on a Sunday without it being me. Being in IT, home calls at all hours are a bad side effect. I'll keep you posted.

Visited my parents last night. It was great. Madison and Ian blew bubbles. Grandma always has bubbles. Reagan was very good. Hung out until she got tired and went to sleep. Mom made a great meal of chicken and asparagus and potaotoes and her chocolate pie for dessert. That pie is awesome. The conversation is always lively especially when it turns to politics. I shudder to think what it would be like if Dad and I weren't both conservatives.

We talked of life and love and religion. Raising kids. Retirement. My weight. Their weight. Fun stuff. Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful night. And a wonderful life.


Kerri said...

I love the way you always stray away from the subject at hand -- and yet you always get right back to it.... super blogging!!

katy said...

i'm glad you didn't sell me on that pool stuff. 10 years, no blob.